Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 31, 2010 God's Life Water

Drink God’s Life Water
Read Revelation 21-22

Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

WHAT ELSE is there to say? Trust your God. He has given himself entirely to you so that you may enter freely into his home.
Will you accept his invitation? Go to him from wherever you are—rich or poor, happy or sad, sick or healthy, hopeless or hopeful, confused or decided, indifferent or determined, proud or humble—whatever your state of mind, body and soul, you can go more fully with God.
Yes, you can listen to the power of his living Word, Jesus Christ. You can experience the power of the Holy Spirit. You can feel in these words the expression of the Father’s love.
Accept his invitation now to dwell more fully with him. Anticipate a wonderful life with your heavenly Father.
Trust his salvation in all he gives to you. After all, he gives you everything.

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 25, 2010 Fully Opened Gift

Fully Opened Gift

Day 40: Luke 2: 36 There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, 37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. 38 Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. 39 When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. 40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.

AS WE conclude this 40 Days of Christmas, contemplating and celebrating God’s miraculous gift for you, there’s one thought I ‘d like to leave with you.
You can live the same kind of life Jesus did. Jesus lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit is available to live inside you and change your life. How does this happen? You confess your sins to Jesus and acknowledge him as your Lord, the highest authority in your life—and as your Savior—the One who cancels all the debt of the sin in your life.
When Jesus’ Spirit lives in you, you will gradually gain a more clear understanding of God’s will in your life. When you follow his will, you will find that the Spirit fills you with power to take steps down new paths and strength to resist temptation.
You will grow in your relationship with God day by day as you hear his voice from the bible, from the Spirit and from those who teach his Word. You will fall in love with him, and you will know his deep love for you. And in this love relationship with the Almighty God, your heart will then live in peace because your life is focused on the Prince of Peace. You will live in joy knowing the God of the universe cares deeply for you. You will live in expectation of a new life with him for eternity.
May you joyfully celebrate Christmas, and faithfully anticipate your Savior coming again. Jesus loves you. (It’s true.) Unwrap God’s Gift and fully receive his loving Savior, who is for you.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 24, 2010 Changed Forever

Changed Forever

Day 39: Luke 1:33 The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

IN THE midst of this joyous moment for Simeon, he prophesys the summary of Jesus’ life. Jesus will cause change. People will rise, and people will fall because of Jesus’ life. Jesus makes a difference.
The Christmas message is about change. When Jesus came to the earth no one stayed the same.
We’ve read of Mary and Joseph experiencing new lives of faith. Before Jesus went to the cross, thousands of people saw his miracles. They were fed, healed and cleansed of sin. After his death and resurrection, millions have experienced the amazing grace of salvation because of Jesus’ blood on the cross.
Yes, Jesus broke into the world as God’s great Gift to mankind. Jesus is a gift to your life to guide you to change to bring you closer to your God. How do you do that?
You check in with Jesus and tell him, “Lord, I need to change. Show me what to do.” Then listen to his voice. Where’s his voice? It’s in the bible. Jesus’ voice is in the words of a friend who knows Jesus, who loves you and listens to you. Jesus’ voice is in the words of a pastor who knows Jesus and offers you the truth. God’s voice is in the Spirit that quietly speaks to you.
Listen to him, and he will break into your life to save you from harm, to protect you from evil, to offer you hope, and to show you his peace. Yes, in the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is still doing miracles. He is still changing you.

Pause and Consider: your life must change to live more closely with Jesus.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Decemb er 23, 2010 The Great Consolation

The Great Consolation

Day 38: Luke 2: 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: 29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. 30 For my eyes have seen your salvation, 31 which you have prepared in the sight of all people, 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”

SIMEON is such a faithful servant of God. God had given to him a wonderful promise: that he would see the Savior before he died. And here comes Jesus, not walking in as a miracle-working rabbi, a sin-forgiving teacher, or riding a donkey in triumph with “Hosanna!” shouted around him. No, here comes the baby Savior, the “great consolation of Israel”.
God promised Simeon, and God opened Simeon’s eyes to the Savior. Simeon felt God’s great love fulfill his life.
Jesus is the “great consolation” when we turn to him and believe what he says. Jesus’ life brought peace to Simeon, who knew God had fulfilled his promise. And Jesus is the one who brings peace to our souls when we know God fills our lives with the reality of his promise to deliver a Savior, his Son, to the world.
There is really nothing else in life to cling to. Everything else will fade away and disappear. But God’s promised Savior is with you always to console you in your grief and to guide you to a life of strength in him. The Spirit has come to be your guide to the Savior. Turn to Jesus, and you will find the Savior eager to console you.

Pause and Consider: how our consolation comes because of Jesus’ great sorrow for sin.

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 21, 2010 God is Your God

Full of Praise

Day 36: Luke 2:20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

THE ANGELS told the shepherds to go and see the Christ child. They described the scene in some detail. Then the shepherds went to the manger and saw the scene the Angels described.
The shepherds returned to the fields in high spirits. They saw the Savior, and they praised God for the wonder he had done. That’s what happens when God breaks into the darkness, bids his people to go to the Light, and they go. There are no people on this earth who praise God more passionately than those God rescues from great darkness.
A young man I know has experienced a powerful transformation in his life as God rescued him from drugs, alcohol and other addictions. He knows he had nothing to do with the rescue. He was in the emergency room with an overdose of drugs, near death, and God stepped in to say, “I love you.” For a time he sought God, then old habits came back.
Again, homeless, cold and without hope, he saw the light on in a church. He walked in, and God held out his hand again and said, “I love you.” as the church took him in and got him to the place he needed to be to heal and rest and begin anew.
And his love for Jesus has grown to great proportions. He will tell you and anyone he meets, “I love my Jesus.” And he lives his life in joy when he’s close to his Lord, and is sorrowful when he disobeys. His life is full of praise to the God of love who rescued him.
We all need that attitude. We all have sinned—we are separated from God when we live outside of his love. But if he’s spoken to you, told you, “I love you.” You are his, and he is yours. Yes, the God of Heaven and earth, the Everlasting Father is yours.

Pause and Consider: God is your God. Jesus is his gift to you.

The Devil Deceives
Read Revelation 13

Rev 13:1 Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown, and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God.

“THE BEAST from the sea and the beast from the land form a kind of evil trinity. Satan claims to be God; the antichrist is the false Christ of Satan; and the beast from the earth performs the function of an unholy spirit.
The antichrist persuades the world to worship the devil. He has a fatal wound but lives, in a monstrous imitation of the resurrected Christ of God. The second beast seeks to persuade the world to worship the antichrist by his witness in word and deed, as the Holy Spirit witnesses to God’s Christ. And through the mark of the beast (itself a parody of the seal of God) he creates a devilish imitation of the church of Christ. So John depicts the world as divided between followers of the Truth and followers of the Lie.”
And then there is the “name that was insulting to God”. Who is that? “Despite the many possibilities that the number 666 yields, it is virtually certain that the individual thereby indicated was known in all the churches addressed by John, and probably far wider. The name Nero Caesar transliterated into Hebrew from Greek yields the number 666.”
Nero pointed to himself as a god to worship. In John’s day he was the devil’s false Christ and great persecution came in his rule. Again, God shows John that for a time, in his providence, he will allow persecution on his church and his people. And he also shows he is victorious.

Pause and Consider: how vital it is to know the truth.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 20, 2010 Ponder the Treasure

Ponder the Treasure

Day 35: Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

I’VE OFTEN pictured Mary looking at her baby and considering all the events that have lead her to this moment. Or would she have been thinking about his future—and her future. Would she be thinking about her family’s future and her people’s future? I think she thought of both.
As Luke uses the word “treasure” it indicates to us that Mary is putting great value on what God is doing. God came to her, a virgin, and he guided her to the miracle of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. He lead Joseph to accept a pregnant bride, and he took them to this manger this night with the glory of the Lord all around.
Putting these events together, she most assuredly knew there would be many more miracles to come. She, of faith, would treasure God’s choosing her and treasure his plan for her future and Israel’s future. I believe she was emotionally and spiritually preparing herself for a life that would witness the Savior of the world growing into manhood. She knew that each day, each moment as she gazed upon this child, she would celebrate what God had done.
And she would anticipate what God would do.
That is the message of Advent. Open your eyes, heart, mind and soul to celebrate the miracles of life God has given you in his Son the Savior. Anticipate the eternal gift of life God has given you in his Son the King.

Pause and Consider: the gift is getting more personal. Are you ready to open it?

God Protects His Church
Read Revelation 12

Rev 12:10 “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ.”

JESUS’ AUTHORITY triumphs over the devil. This scripture summarizes the events of Chapter 12.
The woman is the church. The dragon is the devil. The church is in heaven because Jesus has won victory over evil and ascended to heaven. The devil in his awesome power, symbolized in Rev 12:4 “His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky”, goes to heaven to try to defeat the church.
But the power of heaven defeats the dragon and sends him to earth. In the meantime, God has sent his church to the desert, far away from the dragon in the sea. God’s protection of his people in the desert mirrors the Exodus. God’s people then were released from slavery and the devil’s hold in Egypt. They are now released from and protected from the devil for 3 ½ years of extreme persecution.
And again, the theme is clear, amid this great persecution, God protects his church. Jesus’ blood and resurrection is the eternal triumph. All forces of evil will battle against our Lord. And he will overcome.
Live with Jesus. Trust in his victory. Overcome the evil that wants to destroy you.

Pause and Consider: how being in a “desert” can bring you closer to Jesus.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 19, 2010 Different


Day 34: Luke 2:16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

CAN YOU imagine the conversations the shepherds had with people after they left the manger scene? “Hey everyone, we have some great news! We were watching our sheep. An Angel appeared in the sky. He told us the Savior was in a manger here in Bethlehem. We saw him—in that stable down the road behind Caesar’s Inn. It was so cool. We saw the baby Savior of the world!”
“Yeah, right guys. What are you drinking out there in the pasture? The Messiah is born in a stable? Guys, you have to do better than that.”
“Hey everyone, here’s some great news. Jesus loves you. Turn to him, and he’ll guide to a better life. He’ll free you from the things that hold you back. What’s more, he is the way to eternal life!” “Yeah, right, Pastor. You have to do better than that.”
Too many times the truth isn’t enough for people. Perhaps God’s truth is too easy. The Messiah come to Bethlehem is a sign God wants to come into the homes and hearts of all his people from the lowest in status to the highest. And there he is, born to save those who doubt him and reject him. That attitude always holds back hearts. “Jesus can’t possibly be here for me, can he? My life’s a mess, or it’s too hard to change, or I have to do this on my own. A Savior—for me that’s not possible.”
A Savior is possible. For those who first heard the message of Jesus’ birth, for your doubting friends and family, and for you. Jesus saves. He changes attitudes, he changes minds, he changes hearts, and he changes lives.

Pause and Consider: that you need to remove doubt to unwrap God’s gift to use it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 18, 2010 Stop the Work. Go Do It!

Clearly Revealed
Read Revelation 10

Rev 10:6-7 “But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

“AH HA!” you’ve exclaimed. “Now I get it!” Some concept or process was a mystery to you. You heard many times, “This is how it’s done.” But you couldn’t quite figure it out. Now, suddenly, you know.
There will come that day when God will suddenly be completely clear to the world. Millions of lost souls have heard the truth of God’s great salvation through Jesus Christ. Sadly, millions of souls have said, “I don’t get it.”
But on that day when God is clear to the world, they will fully know all of who God is. And the world will cower in fear. They will know it is too late to say, “What must I do to be saved?”
Our work is to tell people now they can trust the mystery of God come to earth in human form, and God comes now in his Spirit to wash clean our sin.

Pause and Consider: what you do to do God’s work.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 17, 2010 It Was For You

It Was for You

Day 32: Luke 2:12-14 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

DID YOU ever wonder why God, the eternal Father, the creator of the universe, the one who has made majestic mountains and one-cell animals—would have his very own Son born in a manger?
I’ve been around mangers. They’re dirty. Animals drool into a manger as they eat, and who knows what other organisms live there? Oh, God, couldn’t you at least have opened a room in the crowded inn for your own Son?
Actually, you could ask a number of “why questions” about Jesus’ life. Why was he born into lower-class working family? Why did he wait until he was 30 to begin ministering? Why did people hate him so? Why did they kill him?
Based on the bible—the beginning to end—I believe the Father’s answer would be something like this:
“Why, you ask, did I allow My Son to have such a hard birth, life and death? It was all for you, my child. You see, my Son is my gift to you. I wanted to show you how much I love you by sending my Son from the most glorious existence in Heaven to the lowliest place on earth. I wanted to show you real humility, so that you would be humble to let my words teach you. You would be humbled to know I will do anything to save you.
“I wanted my Son to know what work is like for you, so he could understand your frustrations and pain as you turn to him in prayer. My Son’s life was to show you I am willing to do anything to have you turn and call me Father. My Son’s death was to open the doorway to my home for you forever.
“This is all for you, my child. I am a God who walks with you everywhere, even when it stinks, when it’s uncomfortable, when it’s downright hard. My Son has experienced this. He knows your needs. Trust him, and turn to him. When you do, I will welcome you into my home. And we—me, my Son, Spirit and you—will live together forever in the glory the shepherds saw that night.”

Pause and Consider: God’s gift for you.

God Triumphs
Read Revelation 8 - 9

Rev 8:3-54 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

THE SEVENTH seal is opened, and there is 30 minutes of silence in heaven. The 30 minutes, some say, allow the prayers of God’s people on earth to be heard. It could also mean that people who oppose God have no more to say. They are faced with judgment, and their excuses are useless. The incense purifies the prayers before the altar. Then the prayers are answered in judgment.
Judgment is cast down from heaven to protect the saints and to judge the sinners. Chapter 8:6 – 11:19 records God’s terrible judgment against a foe that will not surrender.
When the 7 trumpets sound in succession, judgment goes onto those who oppose God. Even after the 5 months’ horrific pain from scorpions and hell-like destruction of fire, sulphur and smoke—sin still prevails. A powerful lesson to learn here is that the dominion of hell is ever-attacking. Satan will not give up easily. He knows he is fighting to the death.
It is good to know two things: First is this: Evil strives desperately and relentelesly to destroy us and separate us from God. Second is this: God triumphs.
We have been given this view of the end of days to be aware of these two truths. Call on the power of the Holy Spirit each day to defeat the relentless evil in the world.
Rejoice each day in the power of the Holy Spirit that God has chosen you and protected you from this hell forever.

Pause and Consider: God’s eternal protection over you.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 16, 2010 A Savior Born!

Leading You to Life
Read Revelation 6 – 7

Rev 7:17 because the Lamb, who is in the center of the throne, will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

WHAT IS your focus—the conflict or the victory?
I’ll briefly describe the 6 seals revealed in these chapters. The first four appear to symbolize judgment. The first seal shows an overwhelming powerful military force as one country invades another.
The second seal symbolizes general confusion and warfare within countries, perhaps even civil war. The third seal is about famine. A quart of barley costs much, and a man cannot earn enough to feed his family. Shortly before John’s vision, there was a shortage of grain and an abundance of grapes for wine. The wealthy had their luxuries. The “middle class” had little food.
The fourth seal is Death and its symbolisms and connections with Ezekiel’s prophecies indicate it is death by disease. The fifth seal is about the martyrs deaths. They triumph. Their robes are washed clean. And they worship their Savior.
The sixth seal is the cosmic signs of the end of the age and the coming of judgment on the earth. There will be fear among all people when they know that the Lord has come in power and in glory. This is the end of history as we know it.
Sounds awful, doesn’t it? It’s beyond awful. That is how costly sin is to humanity. But God’s reward to his own is much greater. Stand fast for the Lord in all circumstances, and he will remove your sorrow. He will give you an eternal life of joy in Him.

Pause and Consider: the awful consequences of sin.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 15, 2010 His Hands on You

His Hands on You

Day 30: Luke 2:8-9 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

SOMETIMES when I’m playing with or conversing with one of my granddaughters, my attention may drift from what she’s telling me. When that happens, she’ll put her hands on my face and turn my face to her face, look me in the eye and say, in effect, “Pay attention, Grandpa. I’m talking to you.” She gets my attention, and I’m back on track.
Through the Christmas story, we see God coming to Zechariah, Mary and now the shepherds. Very powerfully, in the form of an angel and a multitude of angels, God has come to put his hands on the faces of those he has chosen for a special task in his plan to send his Savior to the world.
The glory of the Lord that night over the dark sheep pastures stopped the shepherds in their tracks, woke them up, and turned their eyes upward to see and hear the wonders of God come down to earth. This announcement transformed their lives.
When Jesus ministered to the world, he continued to demonstrate God’s glory. Through his love, his forgiveness, his healing, his sacrificial death and his resurrection. Jesus’ ministry message was, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10) And countless people received physical and spiritual healing.
Today, God’s glory comes to us in the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s message is loud and clear. Do you hear his gift of life, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. 7 All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.” Rev 21:6-7

Pause and Consider: God wants to look you in your eye and tell you how much he wants to save you.

A Worthy Savior
Read Revelation 5

Rev 5:4-5 Then I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and read it. 5 But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David's throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

WHO IS WORTHY? Our Savior Jesus Christ is worthy to open the scroll. He has obeyed the Father and honored you. Yes, he is worthy.
The Lord gives John a glorious vision of his majesty. John has lived a hard life testifying for his Lord. He is at the end of his life. And Jesus, John’s ever-loving Lord, is showing John that his Lord truly overcomes the sin that keeps the sinner from true worship.
In essence, it seems Jesus reminds John that he has overcome. He is triumphant. Jesus has also told the church: “I stand at the door and knock for you.” He seems to be preparing John and the church for a most difficult, even terrible time in the future.
In the coming chapters the vision continues with very difficult and terrible things that occur in the world. But we must always understand these difficult events in the context of God’s reign.
The war of Evil opposing Good rages. And we know that the Lamb of God has already triumphed. Jesus has conquered evil because he has conquered death. Victory belongs to the Lord.
What are your struggles today? Look to the Holy God for strength to walk through the battles in your life. Walk with confidence that your triumphant Lord leads you to a triumphant life.

Pause and Consider: how Jesus gives you the tools to deal with the trouble.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12, 2010 No Misfits Here

No Misfits Here

Day 28: Luke 2:4-5 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

JOSEPH and Mary are on an 80-mile walk from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem in Judea. The journey would take about 5-8 days, depending on how everyone was feeling. These are the next steps of God’s magnificent plan to save the world.
Consider here the centuries of promises and prophecies from Abraham to Isaac to Joseph to Moses to Samuel to David to Isaiah to Daniel to Joseph and Mary. Wait, “Joseph and Mary”, can we say their names in the same breath with the mighty, godly heroes of Israel’s history? They are impoverished misfits, scared and just following the crowd.
Or are they misfits? Joseph and Mary are surely as much a part of God’s plan of salvation as the mighty and famous. God puts people of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and futures on a journey with him to bring salvation to the world. God takes “misfits” and fits them perfectly into his plan.
That’s why he’s called you. Yes, you. You’re really not a misfit. You may think you are, but you’re not.
When you say, “Yes, Lord. I will follow you.” you enter into a journey that goes step by step to where God fits you perfectly to Him. He takes you to the places he needs you to go—a crowded town, a stinky stable, a sheep pasture, a rocky road, a mountain top, a fertile plain, a cross.
Yes, God’s salvation makes you his. I pray you enjoy the wonder of your journey with him. After all, the journey ends in heaven.

Pause and Consider: how you can fit into God’s perfect plan of salvation.

A Big, Big Love
Read Revelation 3

Rev 3:20-21 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

THREE CHURCHES, three judgments, one promise—Jesus’ love and salvation washes over his hard words and warnings.
Sardis was on a high hill, an Acropolis, thought to be impregnable. But five times the hill was conquered because the inhabitants did not believe anyone would attack. They didn’t watch. So our Lord says in Rev 3:3 “fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.” The warning: always be on the watch against attacks from evil.
Philadelphia suffered from many earthquakes. But Jesus assures this faithful church that: Rev 3:7 He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens” Nothing but the power of the King can open or close the door to the Kingdom of God.
And against Laodicea, Jesus speaks of their lukewarmness. They have no passion. He even prefers they are passionately against him to their lukewarm culture! His judgment is severe. And then his promise is forever.
“Behold” he says. He wants to be sure you hear him. He’s knocking at the door. Yes, he has come to speak of your sin. But he loves you so much he can’t hold back. He is passionate for you. And now he’s calling on you to answer him.
In the words against these churches we can see our lives. Jesus is imploring the church and you to respond and to see his love.

Pause and Consider: His love is much, much bigger than your sin. Will you open the door to your heart?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 12, 2010 From Oppressor to Good News Country

From Oppressor to Good News Country

Day 27: Luke 2:1-3 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to his own town to register.

THIS SEEMS fairly simple, doesn’t it? Orders are given; it’s time to go pay the tax.
But when you read these words, do you see the bondage? It’s not simply the bondage of the tax. It is bondage over Israel by a foreign government. Caesar Augustus and Quirinius are Romans. Rome controls Israel. Rome tells Israel’s citizens what to do. Israel’s people are subject to an outside force intent on taking as much wealth out of the country as it can to build the riches of Rome.
The other aspect of this represents a point in history. Luke wants to give evidence of the timeframe, day and month (actually October) when Jesus was born. Luke gives evidence of authenticity. The more deliberate he can be of the circumstances and time, the more we can trust the reality of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.
The reality is, God sent his Son into the midst of oppression to focus on freedom from the bondage of sin. And amazingly, God would use Rome as a means to spread the Gospel and to begin his church. This oppressive nation would become one of the first to proclaim Christianity as a state religion. The Roman Empire would be the home of many new churches and opportunities to spread the Gospel.
It is interesting to note, the Roman government would be a refuge to the early apostles as they escaped from the hatred of the Jews—the first persecutors of Christ’s church. God works in mysterious ways to free his people. What’s he doing in your life to break your bondage from sin?

Pause and Consider: that what is happening in your life today may be the beginning of freedom for you or for someone else.

Christ Speaks to His Church
Read Revelation 2

Rev 2:18 Write this letter to the angel of the church in Thyatira. This is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes are like flames of fire, whose feet are like polished bronze.

FOUR SHORT letters to the churches in Ephesus, Sardis, Pegamum and Thyatira make up Chapter 2. Note how each one begins with the authority of Jesus. Jesus speaks to them as in Rev 2:1 “the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lampstands” In Rev 2:8 “the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive” and In Rev 2:12 “from the one with the sharp two-edged sword”
Jesus is declaring his authority to speak. His authority comes from the holy throne of God (feet of polished bronze—an image of God from Exodus and Ezekiel). He is the one who is among all the churches (he holds and is amid the seven lampstands). Jesus is the one who is resurrected (was dead and is alive). And he holds the truth of judgment and salvation (a sharp, two-edge sword).
These 4 churches and the 3 churches in Chapter 3 had the great majority of Christians in the world in that day. Jesus is sending a loud and clear message to each church, declaring that he is their risen Lord, and all authority over them belongs to him.
He states a positive work each has done—one even to martyrdom—and he warns against evil that has infiltrated the churches.
Often we consider what a “good” place our churches are. And in many ways they are. But it is a good thing to always consider what we are doing. As you plan your church’s activities, from worship to outreach, ask the question: Are we acting in the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Pause and Consider: how your church reflects Jesus’ teachings to those who enter its doors.  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 8, 2010 God' hand to You

God’s Hand Extended to You

Day 23: Luke 1:66 Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “What then is this child going to be?” For the Lord's hand was with him.

“CAN I give you a hand?” I love it when people ask me that. It means they have care and concern for me. They want to lighten my work and help me complete it more quickly. An extra hand at the right time is a wonderful blessing.
The Lord’s hand was on John, this new baby boy God had miraculously delivered to John’s aging, barren mother and priest father. People knew his life was a special miracle and a loving sign from God. They were feeling God telling them, “I’m here to give you my hand.”
In the book of Acts, another book Luke wrote, he uses the same phrase: Acts 11:20-21 “The Lord's hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.” God had sent his Spirit to begin his church. The only way the church could begin was for God’s hand to powerfully change hearts and turn to him.
“The Lord’s hand” and another phrase “The hand of God” are references to his power to protect, guide and care for his people.
God does not sit by with his hands folded and watch you live your life. He offers his hand to you, and says, “Here, take it. I’ll pull you up. I’ll keep you from falling. I’ll use my power to care for you. I’ll lead you to good places. Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry. I’m here loving you. Go ahead, take my hand.”
When you pick up your bible, look for God’s hand. It’s there on every page waiting to help you.
Thank you, Lord, for your warm, loving, powerful hand.

Pause and Consider: God’s hand is open to you.

Eyewitness Testimony
Read 1 John

1 John 4:14 Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.
1 John 4:16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.

“HOW DO YOU know the bible is true?” Has anyone ever asked you that question? Have you asked the question?
There are several ways to know the truth of the bible. One of these ways is to listen to the New Testament writers. You will often see in the Gospels and letters such statements as we have here, “we have seen with our own eyes.”
John was the youngest disciple. And he became an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He walked with Jesus, saw the miracles, heard the teaching, stood in front of the cross when Jesus died, walked into the empty tomb. He saw Jesus alive again as Jesus came to him and the others several times after his resurrection. And he saw Jesus ascend to heaven.
Quite an eyewitness.
And what does he do with what he has seen? He tells the truth about Jesus. He calls people to love such a loving Savior. He is a witness to how Jesus is the Lord of life, and he knows only Jesus’ commands matter.
How are you an eyewitness to Jesus’ love? Are you saved? How do you know? Is your life different? Do you think and live better with Jesus as your Lord? When you trust him, do you personally know the power of his Spirit in you?
Then you, too, can be an eyewitness to your Lord Jesus.

Pause and Consider: eyewitnesses witness. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 7, 2010 Talk Talk Talk

Talk, Talk, Talk

Day 22: Luke 1:62-65 Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child. 63 He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone's astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.” 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed, and he began to speak, praising God. 65 The neighbors were all filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judea people were talking about all these things.

TALKING about “these things”, that’s what they were doing. The miracles in Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s life were big news—headlines on the morning radio, emails circulating, the talk at the coffee shop, news on Facebook. Yes, this family was big news.
And how would they talk about these wonderful things? Would they say Zechariah and Elizabeth finally got themselves a baby? Would they say, “Did you hear about Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s good luck? They got their baby boy! They called him Jehochanan—the grace and mercy of Yahweh—what luck!”
No, they would have talked of God—Yahweh—the “I am who I am” the infinite, personal God, who is the origin of everything. Yes, God has broken in to this family to say to Judea, “Here I am! I love you, and I have something grand for you. I have made the impossible happen in this family, and this is for all of you! And more is to come”
That “more” is his Savior, who has come to you. What to do?
Talk of God. Talk of his wonders in your life. Talk of the life he has given you. Talk of God’s grace to give you his Son. Talk of God’s love to send you the Holy Spirit to live in you. Talk praise, wonder and awe. Talk worship and thanksgiving for everything he has given you. Talk, talk, talk of God.
Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your kids and parents. God has given his miracles to you.

Pause and Consider: good news is always fun to tell.

Good Things to Have
Read 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:3-7 By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 4 And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires. 5 In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God's promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.

EVERYONE wants harmony, peace, love and joy in their lives, don’t we? To get to that kind of life, we go through a process. From when we are born to when we grow old (in God’s grace) our parents, our schools, certain people and other influences guide us to learn and mature. If we learn from life’s lessons, we can essentially live a mature life of good relationships and economic stability.
Peter has given to you a very specific formula to live well with God. Following this plan from the time you are “born again”, you will have a mature life of peace and joy in Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
One term that may not be clear to you is “godly” or “godliness”. This word actually points to living a life as close to God as possible. For example, you read Scripture, worship, tithe, and serve with your Spiritual gifts.
God the Father has given you a plan to mature in him. The plan leads to harmony, peace, love and joy in your life.

Pause and Consider: You want that, right?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4, 2010 Out of Comfort Into Conflict

Out of Comfort, Into Conflict

Day 19: Luke 1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

THIS verse always stops me in my “tracks” so to speak. I know, it doesn’t sound like much, but it is very much.
At Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s home Mary is in a very safe place. Elizabeth totally understands what Mary is going through. Zechariah knows what it is like to hear from and speak to an angel. They understand! Mary’s growing tummy is not a threat to them.
But when she goes home, the whispers will start and grow to shouts of condemnation. Questions will be asked. She can only tell the truth, but certainly no one will believe her. Why not just stay with Elizabeth?
Why not? Sounds good, but it won’t be good. That’s not what God wants her to do. Mary has to go marry Joseph.
Here is one of the first steps of faith the Virgin takes. She can stay with what she knows in comfort. How will she have the strength to go down that road of uncertainty? How will she trust God, who has given her a mission but not a clear picture of everything she would face. Actually she needs that humility she mentioned earlier.
You need it, too. God loves you. And he wants you to grow deeper in love with him. To do so, you need to let go of your fears and “comfort” and trust God down paths of uncertainty with God leading the way.
You may “like” where you are—even if it’s harmful to you because you know the place. In a way, it’s safe for you. But God wants you to let go of yourself and hold on to him. That’s where Mary is going—down the pathway with God because he has called her. Yes, this is indeed, “very much”.

Pause and Consider: Oh yes, can I ask you, “Where are you going?”

Troubles are Good?
Read James 1 - 2

James 1:2, 12-13 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
James 1:12-13 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. 13 Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

DO YOU enjoy the trials in your life? Of course you don’t. Trials are debilitating, hurtful things that sap your energy, destroy your ability to enjoy life, and suck up the energy you need to live as you worry about them. Sounds pretty icky doesn’t it? Do you really want to let trials run your life? Or would you prefer to let God’s Word run your life?
What would happen to your mind, to your thought processes, to you attitude, if you counted your trials as joy? Quite simply, you would change.
Yes, you would find pleasure in life. You would be thankful for the little blessings and the ordinary goodness of each day. Finding joy in trials would ease your mind. You wouldn’t have to worry because you don’t worry about joyful things. You accept them and rejoice in them.
You would also live with expectation. You would realize that an attitude of joy regarding the trials in your life would lead to a special blessing from God!
Imagine that! Your earthly trials can lead to a special blessing God has planned for you if you patiently endure your trials. Yes, you will receive a crown of life!
Trusting God especially in times of your earthly trials will open your life to receive God’s blessing of joy now, preparing you for a life of joy with him forever.

Pause and Consider: a joy approach to the trials in your life. 

December 3, 2010 A Big Arm

A Big Arm

Day 18: Luke 1:51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. 52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. 53 He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers.

GOD has a big arm, doesn’t he? I checked through the Old Testament and found a number of references to “outstretched arm”. Each time the phrase demonstrated God’s power to deliver his people from harm.
This reminds me of a loving parent who reaches out to protect a child from a car coming down the street, from falling off a bicycle or from the pain of someone’s hurtful words. God’s “outstretched arm” protected his people and delivered them into the Promised Land of safety and abundance.
If you are feeling weak or not very important, please know that God’s outstretched arm is ready to embrace you, protect you and fill you with his goodness. God’s mighty power is at the ready to care for you when you humbly go to him and tell him, “Forgive my pride, Father God. I am weak in my ways, and I know you are my strength. Embrace me with your outstretched arm, Father. Fill me with your strength that I may rest and rejoice in you.”
As we leave Mary’s praise to the Father, I encourage you to take some time to speak or write your own praise to God. Speak to him of your needs. Proclaim to him your love for him. Celebrate the ways he has cared for you in your life. Praise him for the ways he will care for you tomorrow.

Pause and Consider: Praising God will give you great joy. Write it down on the next page.

Angels in the House?
Read Hebrews 13

Heb 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

I HAVE always marveled at this verse. The possibility that angels may come to us in the form of humans and “test” us to see if we care for them is astounding. It has happened.
In Genesis both Abraham and Lot had the opportunity to care for and even to protect the angels that came into their presence. Why would God do this, send angels to test our desire to care for people in need?
It shows God’s great desire to care for the needy. The bible from beginning to end has a strong message of caring for those to whom life has dealt a harsh blow. God establishes a number of rules for his people to care for and feed widows, orphans, and others in need. Jesus’ ministry, obviously, was amid the lowest classes of society. The poor are everywhere and constant.
Yes, sometimes people are lazy and make bad choices that lead to their poverty, and God will deal with them.
But there are plenty of people who have huge struggles from circumstances they can’t control. Yes, poverty is the result of difficult circumstances in a world of sin and “me first”.
God wants us to help those in need the best we can. He doesn’t want us to judge the poor—just care for them.

Pause and Consider: the reasons people are poor. Is there anything you can do to change one of those reasons?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 2, 2010 A Strange Combination

A Strange Combination

Day 17: Luke 1:50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.

“MERCY” and “fear” don’t seem to go together, do they? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Mary said “mercy’ and “love”? How does mercy extend to those who fear God?
Have you ever had an argument with your dad against something he wanted you to do with him? Who won? Did you walk away satisfied you got your point across? Did he walk away thinking, “My child does not respect me.” Who won?
You didn’t. Oh, you may think you did, but you didn’t. You got your way, but you lost a part of your relationship with your father. You showed no respect, no “fear” for his authority and position as head of your family. And he wondered, “Does my child love me?”
This type of relationship with your father continued for years. You obeyed him only when it was convenient for you. Then one day you got into trouble. “Dad, can I have some money to fix my car?” His response surprised you. “No, my child, you have rejected me too many times. You show me no respect when I ask for your obedience. You will have to solve your problem on your own.”
Dad is out of mercy for you, his wayward child. He asked repeatedly for you to obey him. But you said, “No.” This is what happened with the Hebrews repeatedly as God called them to obey. When they kept refusing, he removed himself from their presence, and they suffered horribly. But when God’s children called on him, obeyed his laws and feared his ways, he showed them great mercy.
Fear God. He is absolute over your life. He will leave you if you ignore him. He will punish you if you disobey him. He will be merciful to you if you obey him. Fear of God leads to mercy from God.

Pause and Consider: God wants your fear. He wants to shower you with his mercy.

The Evidence of Faith
Read Hebrews 10 - 12

Heb 11:39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.

READ HEBREWS 11, and you’ll see who “these” were. They were the great men and women of faith in the Old Testament. They were the ones whom God used to make his name known, to advance his kingdom and to tell of the coming Savior.
These great followers of God believed in God’s promise that he would send a Messiah. They had no proof that he would. They had no evidence of a child born in a manger who grew to become a great rabbi and died on a cross. They had no evidence of a resurrected Lord Jesus.
We have this evidence, and there is an historical basis for believing that Jesus will come again. But the people of old did not have that evidence. They only had their faith. That is why Hebrews focuses on faith as a key element of our relationship with God. The great names of the Old Testament had that faith, and God counted them as his because of their faith.
How much easier is it for us to have faith than they? It is very much easier. We have hindsight on the Son of God become Son of Man, who forgives all sin.
They had only God’s promises. They were faithful.
Are you wondering if God is truly real in your life? Then look to the bible. Know the evidence. Be a person who trusts God to make his promises come true. He will. He always has.

Pause and Consider: the evidence of your faith.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December 1, 2010 He Considers You

He Considers You

Day 16: Luke 1:46-49 And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, 49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is his name.”

MARY has heard the message. She has time to consider her assignment. She is in awe of a most gracious God, and she begins to praise him from her heart and soul.
Mary’s statement “for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” is a worshipful response to God. She fully understands that she does not deserve this great blessing to be the mother of the Savior. What has happened to her is not because she was good or special, but because she is humble and obedient. God chose her. This is all about God.
And as we look at this moment 2,000 years later and hear Mary’s words of praise ring down through the ages, we can only consider our own approach to God. How often are we wondering about God? Does he exist? Where was he when my dad was paralyzed from a stroke? When is he going to grow this church? Why doesn’t he help my friends who need healing from their diseases?
And then we consider Mary’s words. How would we see God if we looked at him through eyes that said, “For the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is his name.” to understand that as we call him God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit he has changed us forever. He has rescued us from ourselves and turned our eyes to his great grace—He is Savior for right now. A Savior throughout eternity.

Pause and Consider: the wonders God gives to us and rejoice he has even considered you in your lowly estate.

In Awe of the Son
Read Hebrews 7 – 9

Heb 9:14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!

THE HEBREWS writer is focused on connecting the Old Testament, the Old Promise, with the New Testament, the New Promise, that Jesus gives us. This is a vital demonstration here of God’s sacrificial requirements. With the Old he required the blood from animals. With the new, he required the blood from his very own son.
Pause on that a minute or two minutes…
Welcome back. What do you think? Is there any sense of awe in your heart as you consider the Creator Father God killing his Son for you? Yes. That’s what he did. We don’t say it like that. We use “sacrifice”, “death” and “blood”, but who caused it? God the Father caused it. Why?
He loves you that much, good friend. He loves you beyond your understanding. He was willing to take His Son to the altar and kill him for you.
That’s what he did. Jesus died on a cross. The Living Water bled to death on a cross for you. Yes, he did.

Pause and Consider: what you will do for him.

Monday, November 29, 2010

november 30, 3010 Get Help

Get Help

Day 15: Luke 1:39-45 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”

MARY had accepted God’s mission to bear the Messiah. She had heard from God and responded with a servant’s heart to accept his call on her life. All’s well, right? Maybe not. Reality may have set in. After that wondrous encounter, Mary may have felt fear, uncertainty and disbelief. She’s human. She certainly had doubts. What would she do?
She would go to someone who might understand, someone else who had experienced a miracle. Gabriel had told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age. Mary likely thought, “I need to talk to someone. Who better than Elizabeth?” So Mary goes, and God affirms her. Mary finds in Elizabeth a joy in the Lord. Mary is encouraged and strengthened in her walk with God.
Are you perhaps feeling fear or doubt in your walk with God? Are you afraid the changes he wants you to make in your life are too difficult or too scary?
Much is against you if you seek God. The world wants to hold you back. But God is greater than any worldly or spiritual force against him. He has people all around you available to share his word and care for you. As Mary went to Elizabeth, you can go to people who can give you hope and strength in your daily life. Walk with joy as you walk with God.

Pause and Consider: the life he has for you is better than anything you can imagine.

A King Who Knows Struggles
Read Hebrews 4 – 6

Heb 4:14-15 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are — yet was without sin.

MY GRANDDAUGHTER is learning to play the violin. A teen-aged neighbor who plays for professional symphonies has offered to teach her. My granddaughter can trust her teacher’s instructions because her teacher has gone through the process of learning, practicing, failing and succeeding to perform at a high level.
It’s like that with all of us who truly want to learn, isn’t it? We want to learn from someone who has experienced the reality of dealing with difficulty and the victory that comes with persevering through the tough times.
Jesus is an exceptional King. What King has lived and died and risen again? What other king has even lived in difficulty? Very few. Most who have become an earthly king have grown up far away from difficulties their subjects experienced.
You can trust the King who has overcome the cross and the tomb. No issue is too much for him. All temporary defeats in life are transformed to total victory in Jesus Christ, who was tempted in every way, yet is perfect in every way for you.

Pause and Consider: Jesus knows what human life is like.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27, 2010 How God?

How God?

Day 13: Luke 1:34-37 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” 35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. 37 For nothing is impossible with God.”

“HOW will this be?” Mary said. I wonder what her tone was. Would she have spoken this with an attitude of “That’s impossible! No way can that happen.” Or would she have had a tone of expectation, “Wow! That sounds impossible, but I’m sure God has a way to make it happen. Tell me more.”
Based on Gabriel’s response to her, I believe her attitude was as the latter—not understanding how she a virgin would give birth to any baby let alone to the Son of God! But she was willing to hear the possibilities.
Mary’s ears and heart were open to God’s guidance along an unknown path. The tone of the story is that she was ready to go to a new place with God, and she was eager to learn how that would happen.
Mary must have had a great faith in God and a great love for God. She would have called him Yahweh. And she would have seen him as God the creator, God the Law Giver and God the freedom giver. Mary must have understood that following God is the pathway to freedom, even when the way looked impossible from her point of view.
That’s faith. Mary trusted God. She was assured “Nothing is impossible with God.” She took those words to heart. I pray that for you, too.

Pause and Consider: where you need to trust God the most today. Begin with prayer for that trust.

Savior’s Ways, Your Ways?
Read Titus & Philemon

Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.

WHAT IS salvation? It is God rescuing us from sin, isn’t it? He saves us from our sin. Salvation means we are right with him. And we will enter into Heaven when our time on earth is complete.
AND salvation is so much more! At the moment when we receive God’s gift of salvation, the Holy Spirit lives within us, and we take on an understanding that the ways of the world often oppose God’s ways.
Salvation, Paul says, teaches us to say “No.” to the world and to say “Yes.” to right living.
Do you ever think that because you have prayed to receive Jesus as Lord that it’s okay if you deliberately sin? I hope not. That is not salvation. That is an attitude of sin. “I can do anything I want. God will forgive me.” is a thought that comes from those seeking self, not seeking God. It is a thought of pride in self, not of joy in Jesus.
God’s salvation separates you from the world and unites you with him. Also in Titus, Paul lists several ways you may show your Savior to the world. I pray the Savior’s ways are your ways.

Pause and Consider: how salvation changes what you desire.

Friday, November 26, 2010

november 27, 2010 A Promise Come True

A Promise Come True

Day 12: Luke 1:32-33 “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”

WHO is Jesus? The question is asked again and again. The world gives different answers. God gives the one answer.
He is the Son of the Most High—the Son of God. Plain and powerful, this is the truth from the mouth of God’s messenger.
“But,” you might ask, “if Jesus is the Son of God, how can it be that King David, dead for centuries, is his Father?” This points to a prophecy God gave to David, that the Savior would be from his “house” from his lineage. David is one of many earthly people who is of Jesus’ human ancestry. God told his people his Savior would be from David’s family. Gabriel’s words confirm the prophecy.
And what of the term “Jacob” here? Jacob is the father of 12 sons who each became respectively, a head of the 12 tribes of Israel. One of his sons was Judah. Judah is the direct ancestor of David. Jesus is referred to as the Lion of Judah.
The point is, Gabriel, the messenger, is making it absolutely clear to Mary that God is about to fulfill in her the centuries-old prophecies of his Savior. This message of Mary’s impending pregnancy is pregnant with the reality of prophecy come true. This is God. God has told his people for centuries what his plans are. His plans are now becoming reality. And the world will change forever.
God has plans for you, too. No, don’t go hide and say, “Not me.” He has plans for you because he loves you. You can discover those plans when you read his Word. You will hear his voice in the bible, and you will feel your heart move toward the place where he wants you to be.

Pause and Consider: what plans might God want to come true for you and through you?

Whatever Age
Read 1 Timothy 4-6

1 Tim 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

WHAT defines a person’s testimony about Jesus Christ? It certainly isn’t his or her age. Paul’s writing to his young associate, Timothy, who has ministered and cared for new churches. Timothy has been in the “trenches” waging spiritual warfare with Paul and new believers. He’s a young man, still. And Paul is writing to encourage him.
And I want to encourage you—regardless of your age. Personally, I’ve learned much from young people. They often see life in a different way than my “older” eyes. Listening to wise young people has been a learning experience for me.
If you are young and love Jesus, then do not hold back because of your youth. Be a person who sets the trend among your friends. Speak of the Lord from your heart. Respond to Jesus’ love by living a life of example, speaking and living in a way that honors your suffering, resurrected Lord.

Pause and Consider: how we can learn from all around us.  

November 26, 2010 A Savior

A Savior

Day 11: Luke 1:31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.

MARY is processing a good deal of information. An angel from God comes to her. She’s been addressed as “highly favored”. She is uncertain. She’s terrified. Her mind is going in circles. And then she gets more of the message. What she hears is the answer to what every Hebrew female likely had wondered, “Will it be me? Will I be the one to give birth to our Savior?”
That’s what “Jesus” means—Savior. Gabriel, the angel, just told Mary she will give birth to the Savior. Think of this. I’m in awe. I’ll bet Mary was, too.
What would you do? I think about what it’s like when we receive really good news about something, especially if it’s the answer to a long-held question or a release from worry or concern. There’s “warmth” of release, a good feeling inside, and the glow of God’s hand upon you. And likely you say, “Thank you, Father.”
Mary is processing the information. She needs to know more about the task God has given her. But one thing she does know, God has indeed come to express his favor on her. She is truly “highly favored”. And there is the beginning of release from fear to know the comfort that God’s hand is gently resting on her. God has indeed given to her something very special.
There is a pleasure in knowing God’s love is truly guiding your life. Mary worships God. She knows about him. And now she is coming into a very, very close relationship with him. She will need God’s comforting hands many times in the future—the accusations from Joseph and family, the trip to Bethlehem, the flight to Egypt, the threats against her son as he debates the Pharisees, the cross.

Pause and Consider: God’s comfort comes in all the right places.

Amazing Love
Read 1 Timothy 1-3

1 Timothy 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: (God) appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

“MYSTERY” means difficult to understand, vague. What is the mystery Paul describes? There is a truly wonderful mystery defined by this: God appeared in a body.
I was made aware of this mysterious reality in a new way when I read these words from John Calvin, “How wide is the difference between God and man! And yet in Christ we behold the infinite glory of God united to our polluted flesh in such a manner that they become one.”
Another way to say this is, “Why would God, the holy one, whose glory is too frightful to behold come to earth to be a man surrounded by sin?”
We often ask of God, “Why?” when things don’t go our way. But do we ask him, “Why would you come to save me? Why would you send Jesus to earth to die? Why would you want to become one with me?”
Maybe we know the answer is: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
“Amazing love how can it be, that you my King would die for me?” (Chris Tomlin—”I’m Forgiven”)

Pause and Consider: God loves you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 25, 2010 A Blessed Thanksgiving

What’s Happening?

Day 10: Luke 1: 29-30 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.

“You have found favor with God.” Uh oh. Something’s up. Have you ever had someone come to you and say, “You’re just the right person for ….” Your first reaction might be, “Now what? I don’t have time for another job or responsibility. Maybe if I don’t say anything, maybe if I play dumb, he’ll go away, and I can go home.” You don’t want any trouble. Keep life simple.
Mary had no doubt something was up. God’s messenger was talking to her. His appearance stunned her. His greeting disturbed her. “If God favors me, he must want something. What could he possibly want? Why would God speak to me?”
Mary knew God’s history. She knew he came to average, even below average people, and asked them to do great things for Him. She knew about Moses, Joshua, Rahab, Gideon, Ruth, Elijah, Nehemiah and all the others—a murderer, a prostitute, a scaredy cat, and even some faithful ones. She knew God asked impossible things of them.
That’s why she was troubled. A message from God was life-changing. She wasn’t sure she wanted her life to change.
Sound familiar?

Pause and Consider: it’s not easy to take new steps in life unless God has gone before you. He always goes first to where he wants you to be with him.

A Stronger Church
Read 2 Thessalonians

2 Thess 1:3 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.

THIS THANKSGIVING is very powerful for two reasons. First, the Apostle Paul thanks God for the people in this new church in Thessalonica. It is a good lesson for all of us involved in churches to take a few minutes each week, each day or on some regular basis to thank God for the people in our church. Paul is giving thanks because these people have persevered against persecution and other challenges.
The church today isn’t outwardly persecuted, but there is a sharp cultural movement that goes against mainstream churches. And much criticism comes from within the church. God desires to have churches doing his work well in our neighborhoods, towns, cities and nation. How does that happen?
We in the church must begin by being people of healing and reconciliation. That begins within our own walls with prayer and thanking God for one another.
In Acts we see how Paul is frustrated with the church in Thessalonica. He compliments the church at Berea and criticizes the church at Thessalonica.
But now, the church seems to have changed. The Holy Spirit must have done some powerful work here to cause the church to become stronger and more in tune with God’s work.
Might Paul and others have prayed for this to happen, and God responded?
How’s your church? May your church live in the Spirit of God to bring people into a life with God.

Pause and Consider: how you can pray for your church today.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

november 24, 2010 Come Lord Jesus

Come, Lord Jesus!
Read 1 Thessalonians 3-4

1 Thess 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.

I CAN’T WAIT. I wish it were right now. End of pain, sorrow, worry, fatigue, dieting, finances—an eternal joy with Jesus forever is mine because I trust him as my Lord and Savior!
Does that get you excited? Do you think of this great promise when everything around you seems to be crumbling? I usually don’t. I focus on the trouble and don’t see the triumph. I desire material comfort and neglect Jesus’ promise of eternal joy.
I know. You want life to be good. You want things to be in order and your future secure.
Well it is! All is in order because God is on his throne, and the victory is his. Your future is secure because Jesus conquered death. He is Lord of Heaven and earth.
What else do you want?

Pause and Consider: how earthly life is in order when your heavenly life is secure.

november 23, 2010 Delightful Love to Share

Delightful Love to Share
Read 1 Thessalonians 1-2

1 Thess 2:8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.

ONE DAY, I was walking by a building where a lady in my church works. Almost past the building, I heard a voice call my name. I turned to see her come out the door to say hello and to give me a hug.
Wow! Did I ever feel Jesus’ love! In her voice and her attitude she expressed a delight to see me and acknowledge me. She took time and made an effort to bring a moment of joy into my life.
I had over a mile to finish my walk home, and along the way I wondered at God’s magnificent love. And I was also sad that so many people miss his love.
Contemplate for a moment what Jesus has done for you. Just as you were walking by “his place”, he came out the door and called your name. He put his arms around you. You noticed his hands had nail holes in them and scars were on his face. He held you a moment, and said, “I delight in you.”
A smile came on your face. You felt warmth and peace. You just knew you had strength to get through the next day, and your worries melted into the warmth of his embrace.
Yes, God the Son delights in you. Go to someone. Look them in the eye and ask with a delight in your heart how they are doing. Let them know how much you—and he—love them.

Pause and Consider:how you can show delightful love to someone.

November 22, 2010 Gifts to Bless

November 22
Gifts to Bless
Read Colossians

Col 3:12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

GOD has brought to you and your household a huge bag of gifts. As you open the boxes you discover compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. You are surprised and happy for the gifts. But you’re a bit unsure. So you ask the Father, who gave them to you, “Are all of these for me? What am I to do with them?”
And his response would be, “Yes, my child, these are for you. I love you and want to give you the best things in life. Put them on and wear these gifts. They will enrich your life and the lives of those around you.”
As he leaves to deliver his gifts to others, you try on humility. When you do, you realize you have been wrong to be so demanding of others. You put on forgiveness, and you think of someone who hurt you last week with unkind words. Now you pick up the phone to let them know you care for them.
A bit later you try on goodness and compassion, and they fit perfectly. Your thoughts turn to helping your neighbor who is a single parent.
When you put on patience someone at work needs a bit of your time, and you listen to his needs. You kindly offer to pray with him, and he is comforted.
Yes, God has brought gifts to us. Will you clothe yourself in them? They will enrich your life and help people know the Great Giver.

Pause and Consider: what’s in your box today?  

November 21, 2010 Cleaning the Drawer

Cleaning the Drawer
Read Philippians

Phil 3:8 For his sake I have thrown everything away…
Phil 3:10 All I want is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings and become like him in his death.

I WAS just thinking about a drawer in my desk. You probably have one like mine. It has a “few” papers that I put there to temporarily store. Temporary has extended into several months, almost a year, and I really need to clean it out. But it’s easier to focus on other things—even taking a nap. But I really want to clean and organize the drawer. Why don’t I?
Our spiritual lives are cluttered with temporary things, aren’t they? We come across a doubt here and there because we don’t understand God’s Word. Or we want to get our kids to Sunday school and go to church, but oh, we just can’t seem to get out of bed on Sunday morning. We all know life can be more “with” God. But clutter gets in the way.
How do we clean the clutter and open our spirit more “cleanly” to the Holy Spirit? Paul did so by “throwing everything away”. He’s turned his life to focusing on removing the clutter and totally trusting Christ because he knows that kind of life is the best kind of life.
With the clutter gone, he is able to know the power of Jesus’ resurrection is all that matters. He can grow more like Jesus and more to love Jesus.

November 20, 2010 Pray For Words

Pray for Words
Read Ephesians 6

Eph 6:19-20 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

IN THE book of Acts, Luke, the historical writer, records the Apostle Paul narrowly escaping death from angry mobs as they violently objected to his preaching the Gospel. Luke also records Paul’s bold testimony to the Jews in Jerusalem and his ministry to the Gentiles in an argument with the Apostle Peter, Jesus’ “rock” of faith. One would think Paul lives his faith without fear.
But his words here show his humanity. This powerful preacher and tireless worker for Christ needs something much more powerful to keep him going. He needs prayer to be sure he speaks the Gospel correctly. And he needs prayer to be fearless in his preaching.
Preachers need our prayers. Those who are serious in their love for Jesus have a deep passion to preach his love, his justice and his salvation clearly and always true. They want to stand above ridicule and apathy to raise hearts to love Jesus as they do.
Godly preachers want to get it right. Their hearts yearn for Jesus’ victory in a world ruled by sin’s defeat. Pray for them. Pray for their hearts and their words. Pray for their love in Jesus and their power in the Spirit.
And pray for your own words as you speak of Jesus to those who need to know.

Pause and Consider: Paul needed prayer. So does your pastor. So do you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 19, 2010 God Shows Up

God Shows Up

Day 4: Luke 1:11-15 Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 12 When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. 13 But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John. 14 He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.

JUST going about his day, doing his duties, being a good priest, and BAM! Gabriel shows up. Right there, next to the altar. And in a response that is the same with every biblical character who meets an Angel from God, Zechariah is “gripped with fear”. Others, as we’ll see, are “terrified”. Why?
It is because they are suddenly face to face with their inadequacies, their weaknesses—their sin—before God’s holiness. God’s representatives come straight from the throne of Heaven. They bring heaven’s glory with them, and we sin-dirty humans are terrified. Thank you, God, for your grace that allows us to step out of the fear, past the terror into your peace and hear your voice.
God’s grace is here. God’s grace is Gabriel’s voice telling Zechariah a wonderful gift is on its way. The gift of a son, long prayed for, no longer hoped for, is about to be unwrapped in the bosom of Elizabeth. And the gift is more than a son. The gift is John, one who will bring joy to his parents. And more magnificently, John will bring joy to God.
John is one-of-a-kind. The Holy Spirit will fill him from the day of his conception. John has a special work to do. He is the most fortunate man to ever walk this earth because God has anointed him for a special task in the Jordan River about 32 years from this time.

Pause and Consider: you’re special, too. You are so special God is doing all of this for you.

November 19
Friend or Lord?
Read Ephesians 5

Eph 5:10 and find out what pleases the Lord.

WE MUST stop here. Don’t go anywhere. Sit down. Think about what you want to do today. Think about what your heart is telling you to do today. Is there any conflict?
I have conflict. I think about prayer—the Lord wants me to pray, to connect with him. But my heart’s not in it right now, and I put it off until it never happens.
The Lord turns my heart to give some money to someone in need, but I make excuses and put it off until it never happens. The Lord wants me to call a friend to check in on his challenge with work. But I make excuses and put it off until it never happens.
What’s your Lord telling you? I mean, your LORD. Yes, we call Jesus, “Lord” but say “Later.” or “Not for me, not now, when I get around to it, when I feel like it, when the time’s right, not ever, Lord, Jesus.”
The reality in our response is that Jesus really isn’t our “Lord”, is he? He’s simply an adviser, a confidant, a listening ear, and someone who will forgive our sins. We don’t really have to “find out what pleases the Lord” and really do it, do we?

Pause and Consider: the meaning of the word “Lord” to you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

november 17, 2010 His Perfect Plans

November 17
His Perfect Plans
Read Ephesians 3

Eph 3:17-19 And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

I HEARD a story of someone who had three graduate schools accept her application. Two offered to pay for her education. A third didn’t. Because she trusts God, she prayed about the right school. He guided her to the third school that had no offer of money.
But as she followed her Lord, He blessed her. It turned out the school had a program in a research project specific to her interests and experience. This program offered to pay her tuition, and it also pays her a salary and health benefits, too!
What’s the point? When Paul speaks of being “rooted and established in love” he is writing about Jesus’ love gift of eternal life to mankind. When you know with your heart that Jesus loves you and died for you, this “measure of the fullness of God” will release in you the power of Jesus’ wide, high, long and deep love in you.
The grad student went to that power to guide her way. As she trusted Jesus’ power, she was at peace when the choice seemed a disadvantage. But God had something perfectly planned for her. God will bless you with his perfect plans, and you will rejoice in his blessings.

Pause and Consider: that the power of the cross is for you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 16, 2010 Approved for Entry

November 16
Approved for Entry
Read Ephesians 2

Eph 2:19-22 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

HAVE you ever known someone who has become a naturalized citizen of the United States? This is a marvelous transformation for the person. He or she has come to this country seeking a better life. They have found a job, received proper credentials to live here, and gone to classes to learn about the United States.
When the big day comes, the immigrant is approved for entry as a citizen. Big smiles come to the face and heart of the new citizen. He or she is now united with the United States. They can vote and participate in the democracy. They have all the rights of citizenship. And they have the responsibilities of citizenship. In essence they have their new country in their heart. U.S. citizenship is part of their being.
And so it is the same with our citizenship with Christ. Thank God that his Spirit has opened the way for us to come into this “building”, the Kingdom of God, that Christ has “built”. Thank God his Spirit lives in you, and you be at home in God’s dwelling.

Pause and Consider: how good it is to belong to the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

november 15, 2010 Alive For Your Lord

November 15
Alive for Your Lord
Read Ephesians 1

Eph 1:1 This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus.

I WONDER how Paul felt when he wrote those words. I can picture him, quill in hand, sitting at his desk, scratching out these words. He looks at them and thinks, “Wow. Is it really possible God has chosen me? Am I really the same guy who dragged Christians from their homes? Am I the one who urged the crowd to stone Stephen?”
In one way Paul was that man—physically. In another way, he was not that man at all. He was born again, totally changed. Paul became spiritually alive as Jesus’ Spirit dwelled deep within his soul. Paul understood the true meaning of chosen and God’s will to mean his life was new, and his life belonged to his Lord.
How often do you say, “Lord, Jesus”? Do your words express your awe that God would choose you? In “Lord, Jesus.” do you consider God, the Father, has chosen you to belong to His Son?
As you say, “Lord, Jesus.” please understand that this relationship with the Savior of the world begins with God’s choosing, and it changes your life. In that changed life, you are willing to pray, “Your will be done.” to express your preparation to live with a new-born attitude. And that attitude will cause you to “seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33) to know what to do with and in your life.
Yes, God’s choosing is a remarkable gift. Be in awe of the gift. Be in awe of the One who gives. Seek his will and live in his will.

Pause and Consider: how you will act, knowing you “chosen by the will of God” to live for your Lord.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 14, 2010 Life on the Up Side

November 14
Life on the Up Side
Read Galatians 3 – 6

Galatians 3:3-4 Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

WHO guides your life? Is it the Holy Spirit? Or is it you? The Holy Spirit is a great communicator, carrying God’s instructions to you. Jesus sent the Spirit to comfort you, direct you and to open your heart to his teachings. He is a great help in time of need.
But what happens when life is less challenging or when things are going well? Do you still rely on the Spirit’s guidance?
Perhaps too often the “good times” can cause you to forget who is in charge of your life. When life is good, we tend to ignore what he has to say, thinking we don’t need him, and we can “do life” on our own. We forget where our blessings come from. We think it is because of our own talents, our own goodness, and our own work that our life is good. Yes, good does come from these things, but who gives you the talent, your good attitude, and the work to do?
As you go about each day whether life is smooth or whether it’s rough, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Ask him to lead you and to give you the desire to follow his leading to be true to God the Father and Son.
Life has its ups and downs. Trusting the voice of the Spirit will keep your life on the up side.

Pause and Consider: the foundation of your activity each day. How do you know what to say and do?

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 13, 2010 Celebrate Your Salvation

November 13
Celebrate Your Salvation
Read Galatians 1 - 2

Galatians 1:14-17 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man.

PAUL was an excellent Jew. He was a top-notch Pharisee. He was at the head of his class, young, ambitious and ready to stand firm for all the Law of God.
Then God did something remarkable. God made a change. God took a man’s passion for the Law and gave him compassion to administer God’s gospel of grace.
God had prepared Paul perfectly (as God does) for his gospel mission to the Gentiles. But until the day Jesus reached down, destroyed his old life and gave him a new life, Paul was prepared to be the best Pharisee he could be.
God, though, had set him “apart from birth”. God had plans for Paul. And when Jesus revealed those plans, Paul’s life changed—it went upside down! With such dramatic changes and so many hardships, Paul must have had big-time doubts. Whom did he look to make the doubts smaller?
He got his answers, diminished his doubts by gong to his Lord. He was blessed to hear God’s voice directly. He also heard his Lord Jesus speak through friends and other church leaders. Paul listened to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And his doubts turned to unstoppable passion for Jesus’ Gospel.
Following Jesus will turn your life upside down. People will look at you a little funny when you say, “God changed me.” Be deaf to the detractors. Listen to your Lord. Diminish your doubts. Celebrate your salvation.

Pause and Consider: how doubts restrict you and faith grows you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 12, 2010 Be Jesus' Own

November 12
Be Jesus’ Own
Read 2 Corinthians 12 – 13

2 Corinthians 13:8-9 For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. 9 We are glad whenever we are weak, but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection.

PAUL’S letter to the church in Corinth is a relevant, contemporary letter to us today. The church was experiencing many challenges. Although they had heard the Gospel, had committed their lives to Christ, and had formed a church, they had not completely left their “old” lives behind.
Jealousy, pride, gossiping, and other sins divided the people and kept the church from living in the blessing that was available to them through Jesus Christ.
What makes it so difficult to be at peace with one another? Paul says, “We cannot oppose the truth”.
In the church in Corinth people opposed the truth. And we oppose it in the church today. We have strong desires to live in our own ways. Being a unified, joyful church is only possible when its members truly look to Jesus as Lord. To do that, we have to be “weak”, to let go of “our own” and become “Jesus’ own”.
Giving up our own way for Jesus’ way may seem weak to the world, but it takes strength of trust to faithfully follow Christ into his new way.
Paul urged the church in Corinth to give up their own strength, their old ways of living, for Christ’s strength. Then they would mature in their relationship with Christ and each other.
Give your strength to Jesus. Submit to his love and grow into a deeper, more real relationship with him. When you do, you’ll grow deeper in your love for others. And you will be at peace in your heart and in your church.

Pause and Consider: the “old way” you need to give up.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 11, 2010 1 Out of 10

November 11
1 Out of 10
Read 2 Corinthians 8 – 11

2 Cor 8:3-5 Of their own free will 4 they begged us and pleaded for the privilege of having a part in helping God's people in Judea. 5 It was more than we could have hoped for! First they gave themselves to the Lord; and then, by God's will they gave themselves to us as well.

MONEY’S A big deal, isn’t it? It must be. I think one of the most often spoken complaints against the church is, “All they do is ask for my money.”
There are two realities in this complaint: First, the church wouldn’t need to “always” ask if people in the church had the heart of giving as Paul describes in 2 Corinthians. And second, it’s not “my” money.
Put 10 one-dollar bills on the counter. Look at them a minute. Where did they come from? They came from the work God gave you to do. They came from God.
Now, how many of those 10 one-dollar bills does God ask for in return? 1. He gives you 10. Put 9 in your pocket. The one left goes back to God. The church merely asks for one out of ten, and yet we complain.
I don’t get it. Do you?

Pause and Consider: how tithing is trusting.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 10, 2010 A Delightful Way to Live

November 10
A Delightful Way to Live
Read 2 Corinthians 6-7

2 Cor 6:18-17:1 “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters.” 17:1 Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

I INVITE you to take a minute or two and dwell on the promise in 6:18: “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters.”
Have you stopped and considered the power and magnificence of God’s promise? Creator, eternal, almighty God promises to relate to you as a perfect father. He promises to call you his child. He says he is ready and willing to be one who loves you when you’re unlovable, to guide you when you lose direction, to forgive you when you do wrong, to show you the way to a life of joy, to offer you eternal life with him.
Do you feel God, the Father, offering his love to you? Do you have a picture of him offering his hand to you?
Go ahead, take his love and take his hand. Put your hand in his and walk with him to a place that is different from the world.
He wants to bring you to a place where you experience his holiness—his perfection. He wants you to be holy, too, away from the things that harm you. He will show you how to live under his protection.
God has come to you as a loving Father. He wants to be your God. Feel his good pleasure and his protection.

Pause and Consider: how God is totally devoted to you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 9, 2010 New Forever

November 9
New Forever
Read 2 Corinthians 3 – 5

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 so from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

WE LIKE new things, don’t we? There’s excitement, almost a sense of accomplishment when we get a new car, buy or build a new home, make a new friend or enjoy a new restaurant. We feel something different. Something new has been added to our life, and we feel a degree of happiness and satisfaction.
Paul says something even more dramatic happens when we understand and accept Jesus Christ as Lord, as the promised Messiah. He says we are a “new creation”.
That’s a pretty amazing statement! “New creation” means an entire makeover, inside and out. What we once were, we are no longer. What we used to be God has made new.
What does that mean? A new car—it’s dent free and mechanically correct. A new shirt—it smells good and is unwrinkled. A new pair of shoes—shiny and attractive. A new house—a dream come true.
Yes, a life in God’s newness is correct, unwrinkled, shiny, attractive and a great place to dwell. It’s not perfect. New car’s need fixing. New shirts need ironing. New shoes need polishing. A new house need care. But when cared for properly everything new lasts a long time.
When you care for your new life with God properly, your newness will last forever.

Pause and Consider: you are new in Christ—every day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 8, 2010 Thanks Be to God

November 8
Thanks Be to God
Read 2 Corinthians 1-2

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

QUESTIONS abound in our culture. And there are always questions about God. Who is he? Where did he come from? Does he really care about me? Why doesn’t he just make everything right, so people don’t have to suffer? Is he real?
The answers have been coming from many places throughout history. Some attack God. Some defend him. So what do we who love God say in response?
These words from Paul are a key to our response. Note how Paul displays a deep trust in God, “who leads us in triumphal procession in Christ”. The essence to understanding God and answering these challenging questions is to go to “the fragrance of the knowledge of him”.
Knowing God and believing on him can hold an incorruptible sweetness in our minds. Knowing that God is love and trusting God to fulfill his promises brings to us quiet above life’s tumult. Going to him in prayer in our deepest needs and greatest joys can fill us with a wondrous peace and exaltation. Knowing God brings sweetness to your soul.
People who keep asking questions have an emptiness only God can fill. They strive to know everything but God, and they are never satisfied.
Let’s help them know that we walk in “triumphal procession in Christ” that when they open their minds to know God, they, too, will savor the fragrance of God’s sweet salvation.

Pause and Consider: how sweet it is to follow the God who saves you.

november 7, 2010 Do You Prophesy?

November 7
Do You Prophesy?
Read 1 Corinthians 13 – 16

1 Corinthians 14:4 everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.

DO you prophesy? Before you answer, “No.” let’s consider what “prophesy” means. You may think it means to foretell the future. That is one part of this gift from the Holy Spirit. But more often prophesying is the Holy Spirit coming to you to give you words and actions that teach people about God.
The Apostle Paul defines prophesying around comfort, encouragement and teaching others about God. Some of you are gifted to teach with your mouth. Some of you teach of God with acts of comfort, and some show God to people with encouraging words and prayer.
So I’ll ask the question again, “Do you prophesy?” If you see someone around you who is hurting, are you inclined to speak comfort to them? Are you ready to stop what you’re doing and listen to someone’s needs? Do you offer to pray for people? This is prophesying.
Prophesy. Tell of and do God’s wonderful Word.

Pause and Consider: what a precious gift this is to help others know their Savior.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 5, 2010 Show God's Freedom

November 5
Show God’s Freedom
Read 1 Corinthians 7 – 9

1 Corinthians 8:9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.

OUR God is a wonderful, loving God, isn’t he? He gives you himself, freeing you from sin’s shackles that you may live a full and free life with him. He calls out to you to come and walk with him as you arise each morning to step into life. You have many opportunities each day to feel his good pleasure on your life.
Freedom is a wonderful thing when you choose to use it wisely. But there is a sad reality in the church. When you look at how many Christians live, sadly you will find very few differences between their thinking and behavior and that of the non-Christian culture. This has to be a great heartache for God. In essence people who say, “I believe in God.” and then live their own way are telling the world, “God’s nothing special.”
Please be careful of what you say and do. It’s not about you. It’s about your Savior, who died for you. It’s about your Father, who created you. It’s about the Holy Spirit, who lives within you.
God loves you so much he unshackled the bonds of sin and gave you freedom. Use your freedom well. Show your friends what freedom from sin truly looks like.

Pause and Consider: how important it is to correctly show your Lord to the world.