Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 21, 2012 Your High Value

Your High Value Heb 9:14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! THE HEBREWS writer is focused on connecting the Old Testament, the Old Promise, with the New Testament, the New Promise that Jesus gives us. This is a vital demonstration here of God’s sacrificial requirements. With the Old he required the blood from animals. With the new, he required the blood from his very own son. Pause on that a minute or two minutes… Welcome back. What do you think? Is there any sense of awe in your heart as you consider the Creator Father God killing his Son for you? Yes. That’s what he did. We don’t say it like that. We use “sacrifice”, “death” and “blood”, but who caused it? God the Father caused it, didn’t’ he? Why? He loves you that much, good friend. He loves you beyond your understanding. He was willing, he was planning to take his own Son—the Messiah, Redeemer, Son of Man, Glory, and King, to the altar and kill him for you. That’s what he did. Jesus died on a cross. The Living Water bled to death on a cross for you. Yes, he did. What will you do for him? It’s True! You are worth so very, very much to God—even his own Son’s life.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Octobe4r 20, 2012 Jesus the Priest

Forever Priest Hebrews 7:23-27 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. 26 Such a high priest meets our need — one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. 27 Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. WHEN you speak of Jesus, you hopefully speak of him as Savior, friend, Lord and King to name a few. But do you ever call him, “My Priest.” Hebrews discusses an order of priesthood through the Old Testament that points to Jesus. The purpose of the priestly office was to serve as a mediator between the holy God’s and sinful mankind. After he repented of his own sin, the priest would oversee the sacrifices people offered to repent of their sins. These human priests pointed to the eternal priest, Jesus Christ. Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice to God for your sin. Free of sin, Jesus did not have offer sacrifices for himself. Instead, he atoned for the sin of all mankind as he died on the cross. Jesus, your priest now mediates your sin before the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. When you repent of your sins before him and confess him as your Lord, he is your priest whose sacrifice opens your life to Heaven. It’s True! You have access to the throne of grace through Jesus, the Priest.

October 19, 2012 GPS

Two-Edged Truth Hebrews 4:12-14 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. 14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. THE GPS, global positioning system, has become a must device in our vehicles to help get where we’re going. This scripture today proclaims the Bible as your eternal GPS, God’s Positioning Scripture to point you to God’s eternal Heaven. Put these verses on your heart to be a constant reminder of how the Bible directs your step each day on your road to eternity. Too often, though, you might not like God’s positioning for your life. You might reject loving your neighbor or turn away from taking a Sabbath’s rest. You might put the brakes on your journey with God and turn to your own route preferring your own route. But before you go your way remember this. “Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” God’s Word is abundantly clear that he holds you accountable for your life’s steps. I pray that gives you cause to carefully consider your steps. Do you need to get back into God’s positioning for your life? Thankfully, you have Jesus, your great high priest. Submit your will under God’s will and he will position your life in step with eternal life – every step, every day. It’s True! God positions you to enter into eternal life. Are you on track?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 18, 2012 Your Life's Work

Your Life’s Work Heb 3:12-14 See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. “LIFE is a challenge. Be careful and be alert. Help each other stay true to God.” That in essence is what the writer of Hebrews is saying. These are words that we in the 21st century church must heed. The assaults on your walk with God are huge today. It’s as if you’re walking on a pathway with Jesus, and every person you meet is a threat to shove you off the trail. Sometimes the threats are from within you—your pride, lack of discipline to pray, unresolved anger, or unforgiveness. Sometimes the attacks come from the culture’s disregard for God. “The church is irrelevant. The church is old-fashioned. The church is too boring.” Sometimes the attacks come from within the church. “I don’t like the music. The sermons are too long. Too much change. Not enough change. There’s too much liturgy. There’s not enough liturgy.” So what do you do to stay on the path of your walk with Jesus? You focus on him. It’s about him, not about you. Find a faithful friend you can trust to help your walk. Be honest with your struggles, doubts and fears. Walk with others to help each other stay alongside your Savior Jesus. Yes, “hold firmly till the end the confidence” you had when you first said, “I believe.” And your faith walk will be a joyous walk with your Lord. It’s True! Your faith walk is your life’s work.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 17, 2012 "My Lord!"

“My Lord” John 20:28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” WHAT does it take to confess, “My Lord and my God?” Thomas touched Jesus’ wounds. He knew without a doubt. All of his senses—feel, touch, hear, see and smell were able to gather in the fact that the risen Christ was next to him! As Mary Magdalene exclaimed, “Rabboni!” Thomas exclaimed his belief in the risen Jesus. From that point on, nothing stopped Thomas. He went to the far ends of the earth to proclaim the gospel. Of the millions of Christians in India today, it is thought Thomas planted the first seeds in his role of the Great Commission. Before he died a martyr’s death, nothing stopped him from proclaiming his risen Lord. What about you? Are you ready to proclaim the risen Christ? Are you ready to say to him, “My Lord and My God?” Be of faith. Because when you are, you will be making a commitment to follow him to places you don’t know. He will lead you. You will follow. Go ahead. Do it. Your life will be different than it is today. That’s living in faith every day. It’s True: Jesus wants you to go to new places with him.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ocober 16, 2012 Jesus Already Did

Jesus Already Did John 19:17 He went out, carrying his cross IS IT not enough that his back is a mass of blood and broken skin, blood dripping off his forehead from a painful crown of thorns, that his wrists and arms are numb from the ropes that tied him to the pole as the soldiers lashed him? Is he not broken and weakened enough? Now he has to carry his own cross? Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Messiah, bears his cross to the place where he will be crucified. He bears his cross to demonstrate the truth of his own words, Mark 8:34 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Yes, these words are figurative, symbolic of perseverance through trial and difficulties that come against us from the world as we follow Christ. But our Lord sets for us a real example. He shows us in the reality of his walk to the cross, that bearing a cross is a burden at best, and it is impossible without help. Simon of Cyrene is forced to help Jesus when he can bear the wooden beam no longer. In a like manner, you must face your cross and bear it forward. And as you do, your Lord will step in to say, “Here, I know this is too heavy for you alone. Let me help you.” When you face a difficulty in your lives, a cross to bear, you know you can trust your resurrected Lord for his help. He has bore his cross for you and for me. He knows how hard it is to bear it alone. Living a life trusting Jesus is turning to Jesus and calling to him for help. He will come alongside you to strengthen you. And when your journey is complete, Jesus will lift that cross from you forever. You don’t have to go to Golgotha. Jesus already did. It’s True: Jesus’ great love for you.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 15, 2012 Jesus' Cup For You

Jesus’ Cup for You John 18:11 Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back in its place! Do you think that I will not drink the cup of suffering which my Father has given me?” OH, I don’t like this lesson. Jesus’ words tell me that my sin put the cup of death on him. My sin is responsible for the Son of God to suffer and die. Ugh. Yes, that is a hard thing to understand. When I sin, it affects my Creator—even to the point he would die for me. When we live in the light of Jesus’ resurrection, we become aware of how precious we are to our heavenly Father. Understanding the Father had to deal with our sin by killing his Son should cause us to mourn and weep. Each sin must be covered by Jesus’ blood! Can we truly comprehend such sacrifice and offering? When we do come to some level of understanding Jesus’ sacrifice, we should also feel a great gratitude, a grand gladness as we take to heart our Lord’s life-giving sacrifice. For you see, our sin actually makes us enemies to God. But he has loved his enemies. He has loved you and me so much that he died for us. He has loved us so much he canceled our sin, and he set us free. Jesus, in the midst of his sorrow, welcomed the cross because of his great love for you. Truly trusting the Father’s great love, you come to understand that you are precious in his sight. You are here because of him. You are given salvation because of his love. Jesus took the cup and changed you from an enemy of God to the children of God forevermore. It’s True! The cup of sin has become the cup of joy in Jesus.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 14, 2012 Jesus Prays for You

Jesus Prays for His Disciples John 17:20-21 I pray not only for them, but also for those who believe in me because of their message. 21 I pray that they may all be one. JOHN 17 is often called “The High Priestly Prayer”. Let’s talk about prayer for a minute. Prayer is certainly one of the cornerstones to faithfully living a Jesus-following life. How is that evident? As other ways of the Christian lifestyle, prayer was foundational to Jesus’ life. Jesus shows you that prayer is a key element of your relationship with the Father; the Son of God prayed regularly and deliberately. And so should you. Prayer gets your mind focused on God. Prayer gets your heart in the right place. Prayer connects your mind to God’s knowledge. Prayer protects you from evil thoughts and Satan’s temptations. To pray means you are willing to submit to God’s purpose for your life. Taking time to pray means you are giving your time to God. It is putting a priority on Him. And notice, too, please, that Jesus has put a priority on you—yes, you. He not only asked the Father to watch over his disciples, he asked God to unite and protect all who believe through the ages. He asked God, long ago, to take care of you today. What a remarkable Savior Jesus is! It’s True! Praying “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your amazing love for each one of us. Thank you for praying for me so long ago and for praying for me now. Thank you that you intercede to the Father for me. You have paid the price my sin. Help me to love you and follow you with a deep love and gratitude. Amen.”

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 13, 2012 Jesus the Real Vine

Jesus the Real Vine John 15:4 A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me. FRUIT is a wonderful image for the results of your work in God’s kingdom. Ripe fruit, grown properly with the proper nutrients and pruning is a juicy, tasty and colorful food. And fruit is fragile. For example, oranges have to grow on a particular root stock to protect the tree from disease that comes from the soil. Or, too much rain at the wrong time can ruin a strawberry crop. And if the temperatures are too cold in Wisconsin during apple blossom time, the crop is reduced and less vital. The vitality and bounty of “kingdom fruit” can easily be reduced or negated when you attempt life “your way” without God’s nutrients. Life can look good for a time—even for many years. But if you are living life outside the vine, away from Jesus’ teaching and his will, then your fruit—your work—will be tasteless and colorless. There will be no lasting nourishment in the work you have done. (Check out the book of Ecclesiastes and see how Solomon felt about life when he took his eyes off God.) When you focus on Jesus, you have the proper nutrients to develop healthy spiritual lives. He is the vine that brings the right nutrition to your life. He holds you up to absorb the sunshine of God’s blessings upon you. Living in faith everyday is staying connected with Jesus. Absorb the life he offers to you. Root your life in the true vine, and bear fruit for his Kingdom. It’s True!: You can be fruitful for your Lord Jesus.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 12, 2012 Jesus' Life, Big Difference

Jesus’ Life, Big Difference John 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your happiness may be complete. WHY do we ask questions? (There’s another one.) It’s to get answers for things we don’t know, to clarify an issue, to gain knowledge and to know what to do. The disciples asked Jesus many questions as he taught them. Sometimes they did not understand until they saw the complete picture of Christ’s life, death, resurrection and ascension. When they looked at the “whole” Christ, they understood. When the Holy Spirit came upon them in power at Pentecost, the questions stopped and the teaching began. They took on the full knowledge of Christ crucified, dead, buried, raised and ascended to heaven. Then they lived it. With that knowledge their lives changed, and the world changed. Living in total trust of the Savior is seeking answers from him to your questions, and it is about paying attention to his answers. When his truth is told to you, absorb it and live the truth for your risen Lord. When you live in the full knowledge of your risen Lord, you, too, will make a difference in the world and an eternal difference in someone’s life (lives). It’s True! Knowing Jesus is the answer is to know you can make a difference in the world with the power of Jesus’ life.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 11, 2012 Jesus Wases Feet

Jesus Washes Feet John 13:3 Jesus knew that the Father had given him complete power; he knew that he had come from God and was going to God. DO you see some “conflict” or illogical connection between the title of this meditation and the Bible verse? The title and the focus on the full scripture show Jesus as a servant who washes feet. It was one of the most humble tasks in the Jewish household. And the verse tells us Jesus knew he had come from God—that God had given him complete power. Why does our Savior, who has the complete power of God at his disposal, “lower” himself to wash his disciples’ feet? Living in the resurrection of Jesus requires that you change your attitude from, “I” to “You”. In other words, your life, modeling Jesus’ life, is to be one in which you consider God’s desire to model Jesus’ life as a servant before you consider yourself. That can be so hard to do. Why should I look out for someone else when I have enough trouble getting to where I need to go? Why should I care for a person who doesn’t have a job? What’s wrong with him? Why should I care for a drug addict? Can’t they get it right? Yes, you and I spend a good deal of time judging people, finding excuses to ignore the broken and desperate, keeping them away when we should be welcoming them home. Humble service is a God thing. Have a heart for Jesus, and you will have a servant’s heart as Jesus did. It’s True! Resurrection living is putting your heart where Jesus wants it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 10, 2012 Give Him

Give Him John 12:3 Then Mary took a whole pint of a very expensive perfume made of pure nard, poured it on Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair. The sweet smell of the perfume filled the whole house. QUITE a gift…quite an honor. Mary’s attitude has changed a good deal since her disappointment in her Lord because he didn’t show up to heal Lazarus. Jesus came to Lazarus, to Martha and now to Mary with the fullness of life. Now it is time to say, “Thank you, Lord.” And Mary’s thank you is a thank you from her heart. Mary takes an expensive pint of perfume and uses it all to anoint her Lord with honor and worship. In the perfume is her love, and she wants Jesus to know that he is worth far more than any price that is on that bottle of perfume. Judas is the disciple who complains the perfume is wasted. Yes, it could have been used for the poor; it could have been used for Mary’s own household. I doubt they had much money. She could have bought food for her family. Instead she honored Jesus. She now understood Jesus as the source of all life, of all that comes from life and into life. Jesus is the great Provider, the loving giver of himself. How do you model that life-giving in your own life? What do you give – your time, your talents, your love, your encouragement – to your family, friends, neighbors, church family? Do you sacrifice some things you want in order to give to others? Yes, that is living in trust of the Savior’s life. May your heart tell Jesus, “Thank you for life!” and respond with worship and honor to Jesus. Then share his resurrection gift. Give him to others who need his tender care. It’s True! Jesus anoints you with his life. Give his life to others. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 8, 2012 A Gate to Life

A Gate to Life John 10:9-10 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. THERE ARE many times in John’s Gospel when Jesus describes who he is. He has come that we “may have life”. Such an incredible statement! Here is the God of creation, the God of the universe, and he humbles himself to come to a wretched people. (That’s us, wretched in our sin.) He comes not to steal, not to ridicule, not to judge, not to hurt or destroy. He comes to give life. Life from Jesus is more than just waking up in the morning and being able to breathe and exist. Life from Jesus is being truly alive in the joy of his love. Have you ever been in love with someone? You tingle when you think of the person. You love the sound of his/her voice. You can’t wait to be with that person. You want to do all you can to bring joy to the one you love. That’s life in Jesus. What’s more, you have a genuine interest in what Jesus wants you to do with him each day. Life is loving him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Life is loving your neighbor as yourself. Life is trusting Jesus that his love is for you. Jesus came with love that you may have life with him. Celebrate that truth today and each day as you receive the love of your Savior. It’s True! Great love is great fun. You can have that with Jesus, the Lord of Life. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 7, 2012 Daytime Work

Daytime Work John 9:1-4 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” GOD is a planner. He knows what he wants to accomplish, how he will accomplish it and when he will cause it to happen. Does that disturb or comfort you? This story of Jesus’ healing the blind man should be a great comfort to you. God had created him to be blind for the great purpose of demonstrating his healing on this day. You might think that God is cruel to force a man to blindness for this one miracle in front of a few people. But in truth, God created this man blind to demonstrate his power to save you from sin’s darkness. In this healing, Jesus delivers an urgent message to you. “I can give you sight to see my love and forgiveness. I can give you sight to see Heaven’s eternal light.” Jesus came in the flesh into a dark world blind to Heaven’s eternal light. He shows his people how the light of his truth is a transforming and renewing power. And he is urgent to do his work. There is a limited time to turn blind eyes into seeing eyes. The Savior urgently acts, and he urgently calls you to his light. It’s True! See Jesus light and know the comfort of his healing.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 6, 2012 Are You Sent?

God Sent You Here John 8:29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him. ARE YOU SENT? Have you ever thought that where you are at a particular moment of any day is because God has sent you there? Do you know you are reading this because God sent you here? Where he sends you can be for your benefit or for others’—and always for His. For example, you may be in a grocery store, and a mother is having trouble with two toddlers. She could use a hand for a moment to get organized. Do you say, “May I help you?” What happens when you do help? You give her relief. You are there for a special purpose. God has sent you into that store at that time to be of service to someone in need. Now you have an opportunity. When she says, “You’re so kind.” You say, “It’s not me. It’s really my Lord Jesus in my life. The Bible tells me Jesus was very kind to people in need, especially women. I simply am doing what he would do. It’s really not me. It’s him.” Yes, you are sent some place each day to do God’s work. Joyfully go where he sends you, and be a messenger of the great love Jesus showed you as he went to where the Father sent him. It’s True! God sent Jesus to an ugly, deadly cross to bring his beautiful life to you.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 6, 2012 Imprisoned or Free?

Imprisoned or Free? John 8:31-34 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 33 They answered him, “We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?” 34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” ONE THING I can never understand is why people want to be in prison. Why do people commit acts against society that put them in a place where they have great restrictions on “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Born into a culture in the United States that offers endless possibilities for a wonderful life, thousands upon thousands of people use their freedoms to lose their freedom. But there’s a much larger “imprisoning problem” in our colure and in the world. Millions upon millions of people born into God’s world use the “free will” God allows in their lives to turn God’s will from their lives. When you act in your own desires, turning from God’s commands, you are living in a spiritual prison that keeps you from pursuing Jesus’ promise of (John 10:10) I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. What imprisons you? I search my heart and wonder if I am too judgmental, too unforgiving, or too content. In my free will, do I willingly love Jesus enough that his love grows me more into his full life? Or do I love more my own habits? Do my life habits lock me up in myself? Or do my life habits lead to Jesus’ freedom? It’s True! Self-reliance imprisons you. Jesus frees you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 4, 2012 Hate Jesus?

Hate Jesus? John 7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil. PEOPLE hate Jesus. And I’m not talking about the “unchurched”. Many who walk into a sanctuary each Sunday hate the Lord of Life. Ugh. How can I say that? Who am I to judge? Actually, I’m not judging. I’m observing. And I am grieved. I am grieved because I see people who are too willing to put Jesus aside. I know what that’s like. Oh, yes. I used to “hate” Jesus. I stayed away from his church. I spoke harsh language. I spent no time with him in prayer and in God’s Word. I lusted after things I didn’t have. I saw the world through the lens of “me”. And I tried to fill that empty space in my heart with more work. I thank Jesus he used his church, his people and his Spirit to speak into me, to pray for me and to awaken me into a deep love for him. Yes, people in the culture and in the church do hate Jesus because he requires specific obedience to his teaching. People reject commitment to Jesus because he commands obedience. People reject his love because loving him back means they have to change their lives. “Don’t tell me how to live.” “I have my own way to heaven.” and other hateful speech, effectually says, “I am Lord of my life. How dare Jesus ask me to change my life to fit his way?” Let’s pray that we truly love the truth, that we give up the “I” way to make way for Him, and that we love the Lord Jesus. After all, he has invited you into his truth for all eternity. It’s True! Too often your lifestyle can be “hate” response to Jesus.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 3, 2012 What Do You Want?

What Do You Want? John 5:7-9 “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” 8 Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” 9 At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. WITH one command, Jesus changes your life—forever. This poor crippled man was without friends and with no one around him to help him into the pool that might heal him. Where was the compassion of strangers? Would no one help him for the 34 years he lived in this misery? Others’ desires, apparently, came first. But Jesus came, and his love and healing powers changed a life. The Psalmist says “he heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:3). You know that everyone dies from some disease. How can this be true? Disease is both physical and spiritual. You are to live in faith that Jesus is able to heal all physical diseases, and you are to pray in faith for those healings. Jesus can heal them, and my experience is that he does heal some people. All disease is in the hand of the One who saves. Disease also means here the spiritual weaknesses that cripple us. If you do not trust his ability to heal sickness, can you have faith he will heal your sins and save you to eternal life? Do you see how they correlate? You must believe that Jesus, indeed, heals all disease—spiritual and physical—as he has all the authority over heaven and earth. Do you want to be healed of your “sickness”? Then pray for it in faith. You are in the Lord’s hands. It’s True! Jesus heals.