Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 11, 2012 Jesus Wases Feet

Jesus Washes Feet John 13:3 Jesus knew that the Father had given him complete power; he knew that he had come from God and was going to God. DO you see some “conflict” or illogical connection between the title of this meditation and the Bible verse? The title and the focus on the full scripture show Jesus as a servant who washes feet. It was one of the most humble tasks in the Jewish household. And the verse tells us Jesus knew he had come from God—that God had given him complete power. Why does our Savior, who has the complete power of God at his disposal, “lower” himself to wash his disciples’ feet? Living in the resurrection of Jesus requires that you change your attitude from, “I” to “You”. In other words, your life, modeling Jesus’ life, is to be one in which you consider God’s desire to model Jesus’ life as a servant before you consider yourself. That can be so hard to do. Why should I look out for someone else when I have enough trouble getting to where I need to go? Why should I care for a person who doesn’t have a job? What’s wrong with him? Why should I care for a drug addict? Can’t they get it right? Yes, you and I spend a good deal of time judging people, finding excuses to ignore the broken and desperate, keeping them away when we should be welcoming them home. Humble service is a God thing. Have a heart for Jesus, and you will have a servant’s heart as Jesus did. It’s True! Resurrection living is putting your heart where Jesus wants it.

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