Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 28 God's Pleasure is Holiness

June 28, 2010
Read Isaiah 45 - 48

Isaiah 46:9-10 Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.

IT IS good that these words cause us to fear God, and it is good that these words cause us to rejoice in God.

We fear God when we understand God’s pleasure is holiness. He commands his people to display his holiness through living holy lives, following his ways. When his people Israel did not obey, God punished them. And his holiness prevailed. Fear God. He protects his holiness.

And rejoice in these words. There is no other like him; all the world is his. Yes, when you trust God to follow his commands, he will protect you, care for you and bring victory to your life.

Rejoice that God’s purpose of salvation will stand. Be glad that he knows all things until the end of time, and you are in his plans.

Your God is like no other. He is true and righteous. His ways have given you life. Celebrate God. There is none like him.

1 comment:

  1. It is written that Satan has deceived the whole world until the heel of time when a woman shall bruise him by exposing his lies to the world.
    Check out the bruising of Satan at
