Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 28, w014 A Big Ask

A Big Ask

Matt 20:21 “What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”

JESUS asked Salome, the mother of James and John, “What is it you want?” because she had asked him for a favor (Matt 20:20). Salome then responded to Jesus’ question with a big “ask”. She petitioned the Lord that her sons would have the highest rank in the Messiah’s kingdom, to have a ruling authority in what she and her sons anticipated would be Jesus’ rule on earth!
     Yes, Salome asked. She was willing to lay out her desire for her sons with the full faith of one who anticipated great things to come. She believed Jesus could fulfill her big desires for her sons. When Jesus inquired of her desires, she didn’t hold back and say, “Oh, nothing.” Nor did she ask with doubt: “If it’s possible, Jesus could you remember my boys in your new kingdom?” In full faith and seemingly in full humility, Salome went on her knees to her Lord to see what he would do.
     How many times in the Gospels do we see people coming to Jesus to see what he would do? Some came to trap him in their restrictive religious structures. Some came for healing. Some came with eternal questions. Some came to celebrate the possible Messiah. Some cried, “Heal me!” Others begged, “Remove the demons.” Salome said, “Grant this favor to my sons.”
     Many asked for big things, and many were rewarded. Not all requests, including Salome’s, fit into God’s will, but we see God’s remarkable grace pour onto His people who asked for big things.

LIFE Link: Ask your desires and hear God’s response.

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