Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 11, 2010 Be Still and Go

October 11
Be Still and Go
Read Acts 15 – 16

Acts 15:12-13 The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them.

I HAVE seen this many times—people obedient to God’s calling share the wonders of God’s miraculous reality in the world. His power changes lives every day. And the stories of his power causes listeners to be silent and to be in awe of the mercies of the reality that Jesus saves.
Today, the “Gentiles” are the non-believers who need to hear about God. God has called us to be the type of people Barnabas and Paul were—passionately active for the Lord’s work and eager to tell of God’s power.
Every day we have the opportunity to take the miraculous and wonderful Word of God into the non-believing world. But this can only happen when we tell the story of God’s love in action.
Go and tell the world, “God loves you!” Then come back and tell to the rest of us what you saw God do through your words. This will excite us, stir us and prompt us into action.
God’s ways are wondrous ways. Be still and listen to them. Be obedient and go tell them.

Pause and Consider: how God’s wonders need to be told.

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