Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 13, 2014 Trap


Matthew 22:15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words.  

THE Pharisees had heard enough. They were tired of arguing with Jesus. His teachings greatly threatened their authority over the temple and the Jews. They would not win the battle of words with Jesus. They had to remove Him from the scene. The Pharisees had to kill Jesus. It is a dangerous thing to challenge men who are in power.
     As we live today with the truth of the Gospel in our homes and in our churches, we can be very grateful for those who have challenged men in power. First o all, we are grateful to our Lord. Obeying the Father’s will, Jesus stepped into the power structures of a religion that kept God’s people from Him. Yes, the temple authorities did kill Jesus, but, as we know, He won the war against death. And we know He will overcome all earthly power structures one day to restore the earth to His glory.
     And as Jesus fulfilled the Gospel, we can be thankful for the brave people who stood through the centuries against power structures that kept Jesus’ people from Him in Jesus’ church.
     There is John Wycliffe and his followers who first translated the Bible into more common English in the 1300’s. One of his followers, Jan Hus, was burned at the stake in the 1400’s for his bravery to bring Jesus’ teachings to everyone. A century later, Martin Luther, John Zwingli, John Calvin and dozens of others put their lives on the line to stand on the Word of God, not the reputations of men, as the primary rule of authority in Jesus’ Church.
     Today, Satan’s evil puts the “authority” of complacency and small faith between us and Jesus’ teachings. We must stand for Jesus and be saved.

LIFE Link: Truth

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