Friday, July 13, 2012

July 14, 2012 Conflict Canceller

Conflict Canceller Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace LIFE and peace, these are the gifts God gives to us through his Spirit. In your new life in Christ, are any gifts better? When you walk through life, conflict rules too many days. In your workplace, in your home, in your relationships, and unfortunately, even in your church, conflict brings relational death. People in any type of “group” have their own ideas, their own desires, their own goals and their own dreams. Most of the time, they seek after these things without thought or submission to others’ needs and desires. How do we get past this priority competition, these little battles to “win” over each other? The answer is finding life and peace in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a guide, a Counselor, a Comforter, a Strengthener. He is the Spirit of Truth. His presence in you means you have life. And when you face conflicts in your life, it is good and right to remember, “The Spirit is my life and peace.” Be humble. Submit to the Spirit’s voice. Receive his life and peace. Put life and peace on your heart and in your mouth. Give his life and peace to others as you serve them. Put your pride aside to be a life and peace giver. That’s what Jesus did. He gave his life amid the conflict of the cross. He has settled the conflict once and for all. Are conflicts killing the joy in your life, getting the best of you? Begin to read and speak Jesus’ words of life and peace into your own life and into others’ lives. You will enjoy the change. It’s True! Life and peace is for you.

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