Friday, September 12, 2014

September 13, 2014 Heavy Weight

Heavy Weight

Matthew 16:24-27 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  

JESUS has spoken of his own death and suffering (v 21); he’s rebuked Peter, who tried to turn him away from his appointed death (v 23); and now he lays down one more heavy burden for his disciples: Deny yourself and pick up your cross.
     What a picture! The disciples knew Jesus had just called them into uncompromising agony. Let’s advertise to the community, “Join Us. Deny Yourself. Pick up Your Cross.” Certainly no one would find that appealing.
     But even thought that is exactly what we must say, we know that as Jesus’ church we do not really want to “come after” him. Instead, we want to go after our own desires of comfort and fun. Get the music right. We need food for fellowship time. What happened to, “What must we do for you, Jesus?”
     The disciples of Jesus’ day thought they would become highly respected rabbis, perhaps even Pharisees one day. To be a religious authority was a posh job. They had all the benefits, got all the perks, and told people what to do. James and John asked to sit at Jesus’ right and left side in the Kingdom. They were ready for privilege.
     Instead, Herod killed James. John lived a long and hard life—even was dipped in boiling oil from which God miraculously protected him. Except for John, all who stood before Jesus that day died for their Lord. Dieing, though, was the easy part as many suffered horribly for their love for Jesus and passion for a lost world.
     The Gospel does lead to eternal joy. But somewhere in some form, discipleship requires picking up a heavy weight.

LIFE Link: Cross-bearing.


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