Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 29, 2014 Real


Matthew 15:10-12 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’”

JESUS is very direct, isn’t he? “Listen and understand.” he says. He speaks to teach so the listener will understand more and more of the wonderful ways of God.
     The way Jesus wants to point us is to authentic living. He knows how often we base our lives on temporary things of limited worth. We find value in wearing certain clothes, perhaps. Or we join a sports team or church to find friends. We might take on certain habits to please and be accepted.
     Jesus, though, really wants us to, “Get real.” He speaks to draw us into a real faith. If we claim to be his disciples, he wants us to live authentic lives that reflect him. “Get real.” points us to know we must really desire his words, really trust his words and really live into his words.
     Authentic living is also about transforming the pursuit of your preferences into the pursuit of holiness. You know how many times each day you decide between what, “I want.” And, “This is what God wants.” Often we make the wrong choice. We may give up and feel unworthy or unable to pursue more holy living. But we are authentic when we stay in the pursuit. We remain real with Jesus when we really strive to let go of self and grab onto Him.
     The Lord’s pointed teaching teaches us the difference between authentic and fake belief. I urge you to consider your own words and actions. Do you really consume what Jesus teaches?

LIFE Link: True response to Jesus

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